Gold Farming – MMORPG.GG MMO News & Reviews Sun, 03 Jan 2021 15:52:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Gold Farming – MMORPG.GG 32 32 5 Solo Gold Farming Methods In January 2021 Sun, 03 Jan 2021 15:52:25 +0000 Gold Farming January 2021Below you will find my favorite gold making farms at the moment in January. Not all the spots are the most efficient but these are the methods and spots that I like to use to make gold. Leave any questions or suggestions for gold farming spots in the comments, and I will get back to …]]> Gold Farming January 2021

Below you will find my favorite gold making farms at the moment in January. Not all the spots are the most efficient but these are the methods and spots that I like to use to make gold.

Leave any questions or suggestions for gold farming spots in the comments, and I will get back to you. Happy farming!

All our WoW gold farms can be found here.

Herbalism & Mining

Herbalism and Mining have always been amongst the mainstays of gold making. So far in Shadowlands both ways are viable, having both on one farming toon (preferably a Druid) is a really good way of farming gold.

Before you start, head over to the Auction House and see what herbs and ores are most valuable. Getting Gathermate 2 and Gathermate2 Data is better than trying to figure out a set route.

As an added bonus you can make a decent amount of XP while farming herbs and ore. I leveled two toons for 50-60 just by doing this. Pick Thread of Fate when you finish the Maw, then just go pick those herbs and ore and you’ll make a killing while leveling to 60.

Meat & Leather

Meat and leather skinning farms have been really popular so far in Shadowlands, but with nerfs and prices dropping, the amount you can make per hour has lowered quite a bit.

A lot of the popular farming spots have been nerfed and spawn timers have increased overall. To me it seems like the drop rates for Callous Hides and Heavy Callous hides have been nerfed as well.

Despite this, skinning for gold is still really good and you can make 30-40k+ gold an hour still. Leather and meats both sell really fast as well so you don’t have to worry about reposting much on the AH.

Callings, World Quests & Command Table

This isn’t a huge goldmaker but it’s stuff that you are likely doing anyway and some of it is pretty passive gold making.

The daily Callings in your Covenant will award you with a bunch of trash items that will vendor for upwards of 2000 gold, while you are doing the Callings, hit up World Quests that award gold for an extra chunk.

Also be sure to level your companions at the command table and send them out on Adventures as often as you can. Not only do these reward you with raw gold but with Caches containing meat, herbs, ore and leather, along with gear that can be vendored.

Park alts at the command tables for a nice passive stream of gold.


Transmog farming isn’t for everyone. Either you love it or you hate it. It certainly takes some time getting into.

At the moment, most players are focusing on current content to there’s a bit less competition on the transmog market than it will be later in the expansion.

My favorite spot at the moment is the Saltstone Cave farm in southern Thousand Needles as I can hyperspawn it solo by using a movement speed set on my hunter.


Fishing for gold isn’t the most optimal for gold per hour but it’s decent and you can do it semi-afk. You can easily make 15k-20k per hour while watching a movie.

Be sure to check the prices for the different kinds of fish on the Auction House to know which one is the most profitable at the moment.

See the video below for my two button fishing setup.

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Fast Alt Leveling 50-60 While Making 500K Gold With Herbalism & Mining Thu, 17 Dec 2020 00:57:06 +0000 Fast Alt Leveling 50-60 While Making 500K Gold With Herbalism & Mining 1Welcome to another Shadowlands gold farming tip. I recently discovered that leveling with herbalism & mining despite having been nerfed is still really good in Shadowlands. While mining & picking herbs in Revendreth on my 53 Warrior today I was making around 20K gold an hour and 350k XP with rested bonus. I was averaging …]]> Fast Alt Leveling 50-60 While Making 500K Gold With Herbalism & Mining 2

Welcome to another Shadowlands gold farming tip.

I recently discovered that leveling with herbalism & mining despite having been nerfed is still really good in Shadowlands.

While mining & picking herbs in Revendreth on my 53 Warrior today I was making around 20K gold an hour and 350k XP with rested bonus.

I was averaging a level every 45 minutes with rested XP (meaning about 1h 30m without)

Activating Threads of Fate works best as you can level in all the zones and then pick the one which currently has the most expensive herbs and ores.

Having a Sky Goldem is a plus and having the Shadowlands Gathering enchant on your gloves helps a lot as well.

Happy gold making / leveling!

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Shadowlands Semi AFK Fishing – Make 12K Gold Per Hour While Watching a Movie Sat, 12 Dec 2020 00:51:15 +0000 Shadowlands Semi AFK Fishing - Make 12K Gold Per Hour While Watching a Movie 3This post is part of our Shadowlands gold farming tips. Click the link for more tips and guides on how to make gold in Shadowlands. Semi-AFK fishing isn’t the fastest way to make gold but it’s a nice relaxing change of pace compared to a lot of other gold farming methods. How much you can …]]> Shadowlands Semi AFK Fishing - Make 12K Gold Per Hour While Watching a Movie 4

This post is part of our Shadowlands gold farming tips. Click the link for more tips and guides on how to make gold in Shadowlands.

Semi-AFK fishing isn’t the fastest way to make gold but it’s a nice relaxing change of pace compared to a lot of other gold farming methods.

How much you can make will vary a lot as well depending on your server. Prices for fish also go up and down so keep checking the prices on the AH when deciding what fish to go for.

Prices for fish also tend to go up on raid nights as you need a lot of fish for cooking.

If you use the fish for cooking yourself you can make even more.

At the moment I can make about 12K gold and hour fishing Spinefin Piranha which is the most expensive fish at the moment. 15K if I use it for cooking myself.

Semi-Afk Fishing Setup

  1. Go into your key bindings and then targeting. Bind “Interact on Mouseover” to a Key. I this example we are going to use the “I” key since I wasn’t using that.
  2. Now put your Fishing ability on a hotbar and bind that to another key. I used “O” since it’s right next to the “I”
  3. Buy and Oversized Bobber at a Fishing Vendor in either Orgrimmar or Stormwind or wherever, the one in Oribos does not have it.
  4. Now go to the Fishing Vendor in Oribos and buy some bait for the fish you are fishing. (optional as you will also get some of these while fishing)
  5. Head over to your fishing spot.
  6. Use the Oversized Bobber and the bait.
  7. Now you can click “I” to cast out your line and “O” to catch the fish.
  8. Either zoom out and position the camera behind the Bobber towards your character, or zoom in to first person view and hover the mouse over the bobber.
  9. The bobber should be big enough so that you don’t need to move your mouse and get continue pressing “I” and “O” to catch fish while watching a movie or doing anything you want.

If you are having trouble with the setup, see the video below.

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Solo 50K Gold an Hour With Skinning & Herbalism in Shadowlands Sat, 05 Dec 2020 00:15:16 +0000 Solo 50K Gold an Hour With Skinning & Herbalism in Shadowlands 5This is the second post in a series of Shadowlands gold farming tips. First of all I will show you a nice little method I use for finding good gold farming spots that aren’t too crowded. First of all, find out what you want to farm. This can be anything herbs, meat, fish, cloth or …]]> Solo 50K Gold an Hour With Skinning & Herbalism in Shadowlands 6

This is the second post in a series of Shadowlands gold farming tips.

First of all I will show you a nice little method I use for finding good gold farming spots that aren’t too crowded.

First of all, find out what you want to farm. This can be anything herbs, meat, fish, cloth or anything else.

Then use the auction house to find good items to farm. In the example in the video below I knew I wanted to do skinning but also find mobs with good loot.

So I did a search for “Shadowlands cooking” and found a list on WoWHead with all the different meats in Shadowlands.

I then searched for all of them on the auction house and found out that Shadowy Shank and Tenebrous Ribs are the two most valuable and that they both drop off the same mob!

So I headed over to Maldraxxus to hunt some Bloodtusks, just to the east of the Theater of Pain.

To my surprise I also discovered that this was a pretty good herbalism spot as well.

Currently I am able to farm 50k gold an hour here, completely solo with a combination of Skinning and Herbalism.

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Shadowlands Gold Farm 40K Gold Per Hour With Skinning Wed, 02 Dec 2020 01:01:51 +0000 Shadowlands Gold Farm 40K Gold Per Hour With Skinning 7Welcome to our series of Shadowlands gold farming tips. Today we are doing some skinning in and around world quests, like the one below. Just look for different world quests on your map which requires killing animals. Then go over there and start skinning. Just remember that you can’t skin beasts that have been tagged …]]> Shadowlands Gold Farm 40K Gold Per Hour With Skinning 10

Welcome to our series of Shadowlands gold farming tips.

Today we are doing some skinning in and around world quests, like the one below.

Just look for different world quests on your map which requires killing animals.

Shadowlands Gold Farm 40K Gold Per Hour With Skinning 9

Then go over there and start skinning. Just remember that you can’t skin beasts that have been tagged first by another player who has skinning.

If there are not enough beasts to constantly skin or if you have competition from other skinners, start tagging and killing mobs while trying to get other players to attack them as well.

Yesterday I was making 60K gold an hour doing this. Today I was making 40k as a lot of people have been skinning and the prices are dropping.

See the video below for more info.

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