Final Fantasy XI is celebrating its 21st Vana’versary with a plethora of special campaigns. The festivities kick off on Thursday, May 11, at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) and will continue through Wednesday, May 31, at 7:59 a.m. During this time, players can enjoy a variety of bonuses, including experience chains, capacity points, and monstrosity bonuses.
The Chain Experience Bonus Campaign – PLUS! will allow players to earn double to triple the normal amount of experience for the duration of the campaign. Additionally, the maximum benefit of Dedication from items will be doubled. The Chain Capacity Point Bonus Campaign – PLUS! will offer similar bonuses for capacity points, while the Chain Monstrosity Bonus Campaign – PLUS! will provide enhanced experience chains.
Players can also take advantage of the Bonus Bayld Campaign, which will double bayld and experience gains for lair, colonization, and wildskeeper reives. During the Surge Walk Campaign, all Walk of Echoes content will become surge walks, offering triple experience and capacity points. Meanwhile, the Wildskeeper Reive Campaign will reduce the required fame and bayld cost of the key item required to participate, and notorious monsters will have reduced respawn times.
The Double Unity Accolade Campaign will allow players to earn twice the usual Unity accolades for completing Records of Eminence objectives and vanquishing monsters. The Adoulin Dial Campaign will add a brand new dial to the Goblin Mystery Box, offering Seekers of Adoulin-specific rewards. The Voidwatch Campaign will start all lights at their maximum alignment values, while the Geas Fete Campaign – PLUS! will yield double the usual amount of escha silt for defeating monsters in Escha areas.
The Unity Wanted Campaign will offer two treasure chests of each type for completing Wanted I, Wanted II, and Wanted II Records of Eminence objectives. The Reisenjima Geas Fete Equipment Campaign will provide an additional personal reward from each notorious monster’s loot table. Meanwhile, the Dark Matter Arcane Glyptics Campaign will allow players to engrave Geas Fete equipment from Reisenjima with arcane glyptics up to twelve times at no additional charge.
The Special Dial Campaign will give players an #SP dial key each day upon logging in, which can be used to spin the special dial for free. The Combat and Magic Skill Increase Campaign will increase the likelihood of combat and magic skills increasing during battle and casting spells. The Omen Job Card Campaign – PLUS! will increase the chance of obtaining job cards and make it easier to obtain them from defeating lesser monsters. Finally, the Ambuscade Gallantry Campaign will double the number of badges of gallantry earned from normal and intense Ambuscades once per day.
The A.M.A.N. Trove Original Equipment Drop Rate Increase Campaign will increase the drop rate of Kyrene’s Earring, Hypaspist Earring, Sroda Earring, Nicander’s Necklace, Sroda Necklace, Epaminondas’s Ring, Menelaud’s Ring, Sroda Ring, Orpheus’s Sash, Sroda Belt, and Sroda Tathlum. And for those looking to strike it rich, the A.M.A.N. Trove Gazillionaire Campaign will increase the gil awarded when a special reward activates to 10,000,000.
Overall, Final Fantasy XI’s 21st Vana’versary Celebration Campaign is jam-packed with exciting bonuses and rewards, providing players with even more reasons to enjoy this beloved MMORPG.